quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2011

Cooperative chain

We here at Tecnoblog, we are conducting a campaign that has to do with Article 5 of the Brazilian Constitution:

- Is guaranteed under the law, the provision of religious assistance in civil and military establishments of collective;

       We look at the public awareness of religious freedom.
        From this point of view, our campaign suggests people to join our cause, publish your pages on social networking sites (twitter / facebook) the following sentence:

"I Am Against Religious Intolerance, if you also cut and paste that sentence SUPPORT AND FREEDOM, EQUALITY AND FRATERNITY."

       To create the logo of our campaign, we take as a basis of the greatest examples of religious disrespect of the twentieth century, Nazism showed deep intolerance in their ideology to massacre the Jews, who scored a century with World War II. And remember the words to the ideals espoused in the French revolution and that we think is essential in our cause.
      So, we formed the symbol of Nazism (added to items on the swastika) using the main symbols of various religions that are present in the world today:


 We will disclose our campaign for our blog, and for our own personal pages on Twitter (# LIBERDADEIGUALDADEFRATERNIDADE) and Facebook (the phrase up there)

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